Saturday, June 26, 2010

ha ha ha

Anni: Yes, I'm indecisive..... but sometimes I'm not.

I concur

Anni was misbehaving when she stopped and said, "Hmmmmm, that's not appropriate."

Future musical critic?

Anni:  "Mummy, I love you.... but I DON'T love your singing!"

Darwinian theory

Anni:  "Mummy, do ants have eye lids just like people?"

"Do worms have bums?"
"Animals poo.  Trees don't."

Oh dear

Anni:  Mummy, why is that balloon fellating?
Mummy:  *trying to hide laughter*  "I think you mean DE-flating."

Beauty is skin deep.....

Mummy:  Anni, I'm going to go out with my friends tonight.
Anni:  Before you go out, Mummy, make sure you look at yourself in the mirror to make sure you are pretty.
Mummy:  What if I look in the mirror and I'm ugly?
Anni:  Then you can put a towel on your head!

Latest interview

I really love it when I get a band aid.
If I could go on a holiday, I would got to Dad.
I really like to eat soup and what else?
My favorite colour is blue and brown.

My best friend is Eloise.
My favorite TV show is Postman Pat.
Mummy is a texta.
Daddy is a texta too.
Anni is a chair.
My favourite song is Hey Diddle Diddle.